Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Divine Cup...!!!

So they have come up with a ban on smoking at “Public places”……not that I regret…..I have always been a non-smoker…a hard core one…..not like the ones who occasionally have one or two sticks popped in at the vehement request of their best friends for the company!!

So how did I react to the recently imposed law?? Naturally…I welcomed it to the core of my “healthy heart”…….but then it made me have a good look at the self contradictions and analogy of an addiction I had with the “Nicotine” addiction the Smoker Community folks were having.
Yes. I am addicted too…”addicted to Caffeine”……..too close to be a teetotaler.

The smoker fraternity would as well like to call it the Divine Stick (well I dread if this post will someday be read by Mr. Ramadoss)……..I have my Divine Cup!!!!
I wasn’t always a coffee snob. When I started drinking coffee in college, I did so for purely utilitarian reasons. It was part of a desperate plan to improve my plummeting academic grades. I figured that staying awake during class would be a key step in this effort. It didn’t help–either with nap-prevention or with my grades. But thank GOD my gray cells were quite developed to sustain me in the acads…..whew!!

One important thing I did learn during that semester was that there are few beverages more repulsive than hazelnut/caramel-flavored instant coffee. To this day, whenever I get a whiff of hazelnut flavoring I’m hit with a sudden wave of nausea, followed by an odd compulsion to pen down the very intricate chunks of Horatian Ode.

After my amateur years of Coffee Companionship college years, I began my journey toward a full-fledged caffeine habit, taking tentative steps toward the grown-up world of real coffee consumption.

Now I was really into the metamorphosis of becoming a connoisseur of this divine beverage.
I sometimes wonder..."Had I been allowed to gulp so many gallons by now if I would have belonged to the fairer sex...considering the taboo it brings along, in an Indian set up...Girls are seldom advised.....or shall I say....allowed....to take such huge proportions of a beverage that doesn't seem to go well with their toned complexion!!:)

Well I had no such restrictions...So I carried on the journey of fulfillment of my senses...
The random spots of my trysts with Coffee soon become a full time job. I started wondering whether I was drifting away too much ……..the day started, continued and ended with the cup in hand!

Well you can’t compare nicotine and caffeine in the same sense……just bcoz the terms phonetically rhyme!!!

The National Coffee Asociation reports that I am in good company----a major populace of Indians drink coffee. And in this respect, we are decidedly global, international, and cosmopolitan---we help consume the 400 billion cups of coffee that are consumed each year worldwide.

For those of us who depend on coffee to stoke our productivity and fuel our creativity, coffee drinking is serious business. Coffee is a liquid prism through which we view the events of our lives—drop by drop, cup by cup, and pound by pound. It’s important to be awake for the critical moments in life---and even seemingly mundane moments can be critical when each moment builds towards something better. Coffee is the drink of optimism. Drink coffee, be happy.

Because life happens when you're awake…!!!

"For I have known them all already, know them all -- have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons, I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.”- T.S. Eliot

*This post was typed in utter boredome arising out of an extended waiting period at one of the so many CCD's mushroomed across the city...while I was waiting for my friend who finally turned up to comment on the same*

- Vik$ (off to a coffee break)

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