Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Case of a Missed Call that was Never made!!!

Well Shifts....shifts and more shifts...!!!
With me dwindling between the various time zones, keeping track of things is getting more and more difficult!!

Something unthinkable happened today - jus once.I missed out on pocketing my cellphone while stepping out of my home to catch the cab to office in the wee hours of morning.

Now don't get me wrong - I am not a mobile fanatic. Nor do I hate it the way some people seem to do. I find it an extremely useful tool (especially when you are locked out of your house and your flatmate is at his office and you don't have his mobile number in YOUR memory but only in the phone memory), though it might become an irritant at times. But there again the fault lies with the users, not the instrument or the service, isn't it?

Anyway, the crux of the matter is that I was without my phone for about an hour in the morning, and no one missed me! No missed calls, no sms'es waiting for a reply. I am still to fathom out its impact on my ego. It does seem that the world can go about its business for substantial length of time without missing me. Taking a detached view of it, it does seem that one of the sources of self-esteem can be the number of people who call you on your mobile. Coming from my measurement oriented world, I wonder whether I can design a dashboard on self-esteem through mobile usage. We can divide the calls in three categories - personal, professional, and third-party (credit cards etc.). The calls you make or the calls that are being returned won't count. The number of points for each type of call will vary by the time of the day - during office hours, personal calls will get a higher weightage than professional calls, and vice versa. Professional calls during dinner, weekends and holidays will be absolute chartbusters. Calls from bankers and stockbrokers will rate higher than calls from the grocery store (asking for payment). Calls from a dentist will bring in more points than from, say, a gastroenterologist. And calls from spouses will be more precious than those from lovers (unless of course, its a call from a lover AFTER your marriage). And number of years of marriage should definitely be a factor - a call from a year-old wife is not quite the same as that from a 5-year old one, isn't it?

So at the end of it all, we can have a score published for every mobile user - some index similar to, say, wealth or popularity. Wotsay! Of course, from my unpredictable experience today, I doubt I will be anywhere in the table at all.....need to start thinking of how to rig the system.

In the meanwhile...Did you folks checked upon ur cellphone all this while???:)

1 comment:

Harpreet said...

Good one [:)] like the idea