Monday, July 6, 2009

Life...Less Explained!!!

Life... a placard...slogans imprinted on a paper....raised high...the hands hold.....the person mourns....Deep in the heart... a desperate fight to oppose the failure....robustness!
Often lost. always lonely. sleeps to dream. or dreams of sleep. in which prince of another world. happy in another time. star to another planet. but now. faded pictures. fairytales are stories. forgotten dreams. scarred memory. yesterday's shadow on today. no tomorrow. cannot see one today. the sun rises over an ordinary world. alas.

He often puts his hand in his pocket feeling the smoothness of the pebble. His pebble. His lucky pebble. And then out of his pocket it fell. There were many pebbles around just like it. Hurry, mother said, tugging his hand. Mom, where's my pebble. Just pick up any stone, they're all the same.
Life...mother....pebbles are all around!!!

1 comment:

Funny Dumps said...

weirdly twisted idea of life!!
no doubt its lesser apt description nevertheless...