Monday, November 2, 2009


A special something…..broken words yet woven thro'.....

I smell....I sniff...
the fragrance of cosmic happinesss....
a dust of haziness...
in the quicksands of time....
Some things that that made me;
and things that didn’t ...
Abstracts which attract me;
tangibles that strangulate...

Garrotted souls and scothed whispers...
a shining armour with a silver casper...

When two halves doesn’t make one ;
and no one at the horizon...
When the waiting is in the eyes…
and the sky in my hands...

When music soothes my veins,
and times when they burn...
My world in black and white,
and then the blurred colors...

When the reflection is the opposite of me,
imagination shifts...
Light years into some place else...
However, repetitions are never the same..
....repetitions will never be the same....!!!



How About a said...

Nice !!

Funny Dumps said...

well bro!! repetition is one thing even gods can't perfect, even the twins are different, such is the cosmic plan so don't be surprised if two halves don't combine to form one(1) but a quarter(1/4) and your reflection is no longer your image.
the humble accomplice-rishu.